Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Chicken Breast with Proscuitto and Parmesean

I love food and eating and gourmet cooking SO much. I went to cooking school. I have cooked as a hobby for gosh... 20 years now it seems. I love to explore new flavours and create new recipes, basically either from the top of my head or with a bit of inspiration from others. This recipe that I am sharing today is that chicken and proscuitto dish that I shared pictures of in my last post... I have a couple more that I will share with the recipe.

The following recipe is one that I replicated off of something that I saw on tv. I have only seen the show one time, but I am pretty sure that I have the recipe at least similar. The show was Jamie's Ministry of Food and the recipe was the one where he flattened the chicken breast with procuitto on top and showed a big group of men after a footie match that they could cook too! And they could! I couldn't stop salivating over the meal however, until the day that I made it for the first time.

I am going to list the recipe loosely here, in no real format, based on how I make it at home. Any questions? Just comment!

Chicken Breast with Procuitto and Parmesean

Preheat a skillet on medium-high heat.

Get out your plastic wrap.


1 Chicken Breast Per Person

3 Slices of Proscuitto per chicken breast

Grated parmesean, enough for 1tbsp of grated cheese per chicken breast

Grated lemon zest, enough for 3/4 tsp per chicken breast

a few springs of fresh Thyme on hand

Fresh ground pepper on hand

Olive oil on hand


Tear off a piece of plastic wrap that is around a foot long. What you want, is to be able to bash your chicken breast out to about 1/4-1/2 inch thickness, with the plastic wrap underneath, and folded over on top.

Place your first chicken breast on the plastic wrap.

Season your chicken breast with a bit of pepper, a few thyme leaves and a pinch of lemon zest.

Sprinkle on the parmesean, then season again with a bit of pepper, another couple leaves of thyme and another small pinch of lemon zest.

Lay your sheets of proscuitto on top, covering it like its a blanket, as few holes as possible. Perpaps keep some extra ham on the side in case of holes, you can just patch them up.

Then, fold over the plastic wrap over top of the whole thing and get to flatting it out with a heavy based skillet or a pot. I would normally use a rolling pin or something to bash out chicken, but because of the delicate indredients on the top, something wider works better and stuff doesn't come out of the edges.

Lift off the plastic wrap, and then take your chicken and place it ham-side down in the skillet.

Cook for 3 minutes, flip over, then cook for another 3 minutes.

I then flip it back over to the ham side and cook for an additional minute, to make the ham extra crispy.

Serve with anything delicious and enjoy!!!

1 comment:

  1. This one is definitely something I'm gonna try... deeeelicious!
